second half happy

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     Hey Beautiful! I am so excited you decided to stop by today. I'm Stephanie Campbell-Yount - a dog-loving, bread obsessed bookworm who is also a serial entrepreneur that loves yoga, my husband, and my amazing bonus sons.
     Second Half Happy was born during a time of my life when I was anything but "happy." And when I had finally hit my personal rock-bottom - think 40 pounds, serious depression, and overwhelming burnout - I decided, by some stroke of genius, that I was done being the victim and ready to run my life and FINALLY claim it AS MY OWN.
     If you're ready to claim your life and stop "pretending" happy, you've come to the right place. Together, we can step into our power and live this second half of our lives EXACTLY as we desire.

hi, I'm steph

let's chat


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